First Panda Poles for Sale

I think many of you are familiar with the shots I am able to get with my pole and GoPro set up.  Almost every fish eye shot of me on my Roadeo in the last 6 months was taken with one of these combinations.

I have started to make these by hand in small batches, and am offering them for sale. 

This example shows the one I use almost daily, with the first two that are available.

They are about 15″ long, custom lengths are available by request.  The handles are 1″ Diameter by 6″ long with shellac to seal them.  The all-thread is 1/4″ 20 and will fit most common camera tripod lugs and or Micro ball head mounts for greater angle control.  I cover the thread with shrink-wrap to protect you and your gear while leaving the end exposed for the jam nut and camera to mount.  Please note that the GoPro housing is there for example and not included.

I would only recommend these for use with light cameras like the GoPro or smaller point and shoot models.  I have tried it with my 3 pound GF1 and it did not go well.  With a little creativity you can capture a variety of angles:

  • Hand held of course
  • The shrink-wrap allows you to hold it in your teeth if needed
  • Stab it into the sand on the side of the road
  • Prop it up in the top of a pole or sign post
  • Stoker on the tandem
  • Toe strap to hold it to a pole or tree

As for how to carry them?  Mine fits well into the frame bag or saddle bag.  For shorter rides I leave it sticking out of my handlebar bag or lay it across the hoods of the brake levers.

Starting price on these is $25 shipped in the US.  Please use the contact page to purchase on while I am getting my shopping cart sorted out.

Thanks – Rob

P.S. I am also starting to re-populate the yard sale page a bit each day.

S&SUB First Ride

This has been an interesting week, and for some therapy I went through te garage to help a phoenix rise from the ashes.  You may have heard of the Bridgstone Urban Bike or even Jan Hine’s much more refined GBUB (Grand Bois Urban Bike), I now have my very own S&SUB:

As in Sanford and Son Urban Bike, finally bringing a beater Trek 400 back to life a sa 650B conversion with a fantastic spread of parts from all corners of my garage.  With the Rawland on its way out the door soon as well as a couple of others it was time to press some of the lonely frames back into action.

Initial impressions are pretty good too, this is going to be a fun bike in the stable.


Sunday Standard

Another ride to the farmer’s market.  I think that almost 30% of my recent riding has been in pursuit of produce.  Weather is gloomy again on the coast, but a wonderful 60 deg temp for riding.

By the time I made it 10 miles or so from home the fog was starting to thin out.  The bags were filled with fantastic fresh stuff.

Now it is time to make some sauce out of all these veggies, hope you weekend is going well too!

Grocery Time Trials

I do not race anybody but myself, ever.  I love to ride, but time gets tight every now and then.  As much fan as a casual ramble can be, sometimes the challenge of 10 miles, two grocery stops and less than an hour and a half to get it done, with stop lights, signs and morning traffic as the sauce on top is just what you need to break the funk.  Things were still a bit bleery heading up the hill into the fog as I am fighting off the tail end of a cold.

Crossing town to the Trader Joe’s load up on some staples, and through the parking lot to the farmer’s market.  Packing the saddle bag with Juice, frozen beef and veggies untill the bag was super stuffed.  The load maxed the limits of the bagman support for sure, and I need to make some time to push ahead on a better solution.  Checking the time I realised that I had blown over 20 minutes shopping.  Time to jam towards home, through the fields.

Almost home I was still just under an hour, and slowed down for a surf check.  South swell filling in, but no time to watch the sets.  I am not sure where to fit it in, but I need to get back in the water soon.

I made it home in just a few minutes over an hour, and even cruised through a few rows of the swap meet on the last mile home for good measure.  Fantastic ride all things considered.  I took the load upstairs and took a minute to blend up some fruit and veggies in the vitamix.

Frosting on the whole thing was answering the phone 10 minutes after I walked in the door, still a little wound up from the ride, to a phone interview that I was not expecting for anther 4 hours or so.  I feel that it went well, probably better with the endorphin push and no time to over think my answers.  Hopefully I did not come off as a coffee spaz.  This could be the dream job, and an interesting path opening up for sure,  I am looking forward to chasing this trail out to the end.