I love making photographs.
I ride for fun, transportation and exorcise. While out I am always thinking about the photo, it is the way I see things, saving data in the background for when an angle of view and the light may come together just right. Often times this will help guide the direction I head out on a ride. Sometimes it works as planned, often times I catch things unplanned during the ride and get shots like this gem on Wednesday,

This morning on the other hand was hazy, I woke up late and was hoping to just get a few miles in and see if anything presented itself. Heading back home with a little extra time I looked up and saw the tree at one of my favorite turns,

Just a little left of the sign you can see the eucalyptus up on the hill above town. Inspired, Five minutes and a couple hundred feet of climbing later I was set up and ready, bagged the shot and made it home.

Have fun this weekend, play outside and enjoy your family.