Third Wednesday

So it is officially a trend, made it out for three weeks in a row!  Luckily the temps were not quite as cold this morning, still chilly, and the challenge is finding a place out of the wind.  This is honestly one of the most motivating projects for me since the start of the blog with riding every day, and the inception of the Rambler.  I am convinced that getting outside like this makes absolutely everything else better all day long.

2.27 coffee-1110453 2.27 coffee-1110465 2.27 coffee-1110470The fringe benefit is that my wife also like the coffee I bring home more than the coffee I make at home.  There must be a bit of magic in the ocean air.

Where are you going to be making your coffee next week?

Second Wednesday

It was a busy weekend with family coming in for a visit, and fighting off another round of the cold/flu that has been assaulting our home this winter.  Although later than I would have liked, and not the first cup of the day, I took some time to get outdoors and make the second round by the beach.

2.20 coffee ride-1110369The day and a half of rain has passed through with some solid winds behind it.  I was able to find a twist in the coast with enough shelter from the wind to get everything working.  The mountains out back were dusted with snow, but there was no place out of the wind to  take in the view.  The beach was no slouch as a second choice, and the 30 minute break away from work was more than welcome.

2.20 coffee ride-1110374 2.20 coffee ride-1110377This week is already half gone and is showing no signs of slowing down.  A couple of small jobs in the stand, and a ton of prep to get done for the Seattle Bike Expo.  We will be there with a booth March 9-10.  We are looking forward to meeting a bunch of Seattle readers and fans, and exploring the town a bit after the show as well.  This will be a road trip with some stops in Portland and San Francisco on the way back.  If you are along the route of travel and would like to meet up, see a Rambler in person, and maybe head out for a ride drop me a line and we will work it into the schedule.

Wednesday Morning Coffee Ride

This is not about your average coffee ride where you are sitting around with you buddies sipping espresso at starbucks before you hit the road.  It is all about getting out there, making a bit of extra time in the morning to recapture a bite sized chunk of the outdoors that you have been missing.


An extra 20-30 minutes at the most and you can pull it off.  We are all busy with the responsibilities of life and wish that we were camping more.  Regular multi day trips are out of the question for most of us.  A simple overnight with your friends keeps slipping as other things fill the calendar.  This is something you would likely be doing with your time at home anyway.

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Try it once, commit to it every Wednesday, and get the inertia going.  Just like riding your bike to work and ditching the car once in a while was a game changer, this will get you just a little more of what you have been missing.

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I know some of you are thinking we have it easy here in California with the weather?  Today was great, but still in the low 40’s.

2.13 coffee ride-1110361In the spirit of transparency, I work from home, thus the commute could be a walk down stairs.  But doing things like this helps to keep me away from the keyboard at 6AM and really does make the whole day better.  There is a small but growing group of us getting this going and sharing pics on Facebook.  Where are you going to be brewing your morning fix next Wednesday?


Nocino Sampling

it has been a year and a half now since I gathered the walnuts, and a year of aging in the bottle.  This is my first time tasting Nocino, and it is good, very good!

2.12 Nocino-1110334Great to sip on and even better over a little bowl of vanilla ice cream.  Be assured, I will be gathering more young walnuts this year and every year I can from here on out.  I am certain the walnuts, as do many things, gathered by bike taste better as well.

Along those lines I have been talking with friends for years now about how much better things like coffee can taste when you are camping.  But why limit it to camping trips or even overnights?  Tomorrow I am going to get up a little earlier, and make the coffee on my morning ride, take the time to enjoy the sunrise and have some extra fun.  Lets see how many of you can join in too, share pics on flickr, instagram, facebook etc. and get your buddies stoked on it too.  I am pretty sure anything that gets that outdoor experience in the day is a good thing, even in bite sized chunks.