Sunday Standard

Settling back into the routine of being home, and today was the usual farmer’s market ride.  The weather was sublime, spring has sprung with wild flowers in bloom, temps in the 60’s and light breezes.

3.24 farmers market-1120122 3.24 farmers market-1120124I took a break to brew up a mug of coffee after loading the bags with fresh food

3.24 farmers market-1120131and then the ride home, with a shot long time readers have seen time and time again

3.24 farmers market-1120133Yes the weather here is this good almost all of the time, we are really lucky for that, and while travel is great, it makes me appreciate being home all the more.


Things are starting to settle back in a bit after the two-week grand tour of the west coast. I met so many incredible people, made new connections, started some more awesome projects and could not have ever done so much without the help and support of my friends, both old and new.  THANK YOU

I was able to make the last leg of the trip, over the Santa Barbara mountains while there was still some light in the sky.  I captured this pic of another brand’s namesake

3.19 cielo-1120088And then got the grand view of ours after cresting the pass

3.19 cielo-1120094I have hundreds of pictures to work through and a ton of thoughts to go with them on the blog.  Stay posted, it is going to be a busy couple of weeks, both here and in the work shop.

Wallet Giveaway

It has been a busy and energizing trip up and down the coat to Seattle and now back to Oakland, with a few days left to go.  I will start digesting a full report once I get home.  At the Seattle Expo we had a drawing going for one of our leather single pocket Makr wallets, and the lucky winner appears to be Kevin O…, I sent email and waiting to hear back on confirmation.  These wallets are heading out as fast as I can make them, a good sign.

3.17 Wallet-1120027This whole trip has been incredible, so many positive people, tons of interest, laying the groundwork for retail placement of the Ramblers. It is going to take me at least a week to recover and tell the story in bite sized chunks.  Until then, get out and ride!  If you are in the bay area and might want to see the Ramblers before I am out of town again, drop me a line.  In between sales calls and business there will be some  riding time here in the East Bay.