Thank You and Apology

First I need to thank each and every person who has supported us through readership, spreading the word and purchases.  Without all of you, Ocean Air Cycles would be a crazy guy making pictures and stockpiling esoteric bicycle widgets on the California coast.

This whole venture has been a process in learning and growing as a business offering products and services I believe in.  Aside from customers I never could have made it this far without the love and support of my family and friends as well.  Some aspects of the venture have exceeded hopes and expectations, while others like actual sales vs. projected are more of an element of stress.  Stress can be a good thing, pushing for better solutions and systems, but it can also wear you down.  The last three months have been  a roller coaster and twice the stress outran my health.  Once around the time that the first Ramblers of the Summer were heading to new homes, and again in the last three weeks.  Having a three-year old in child care, fighting off germs is nothing new.  Generally I just push through, and I did for the last two weeks, was getting on top of it Sunday, and then while processing pictures to promote the kerchiefs, I realized I looked about as good as I was feeling

11.8 sick-1030494That night the fever ramped up to 101 and today I am getting back to the computer.

Even with all of the above mentioned support, OAC is primarily a one man show, and when the man is down things screech to a halt, no sick days or things stop.  With the impending birth of our next daughter (any time in the next two weeks) I had to stop, lay down and focus on getting better, fast.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this one.  My voice and throat are still shot, phone calls will have to wait until next week.  But I am catching up on emails, direct apologies to those waiting for Ramblers, and all that.  If you have been waiting for a reply, I may have missed something, please do not take it personally and do not hesitate to ask again, your patience is appreciated.

Things should be back to normal by next week.  Projects like hats, shirts, neck buffs, kerchiefs, wallets, scarves and some other surprises will all get back under way so we have things in time for the holidays.  Like wise, there are a few bought Ramblers that need to get to their new homes and another 35 or so that still are looking for their future owners.

7 thoughts on “Thank You and Apology”

  1. No apology needed, Rob. From out here on the interweb there was no clue, and coffee rides seemed to keep on going! Take it easy to get better by the time the next little one arrives.

  2. Good luck — everyone here in Ventura has been sick — mine lasted a good seven days. Half of my classes taught this week — everyone was sick. Get better – but this virus is nasty so hang in there if there is not a speedy recovery.

  3. ROB.
    It was a rough go after first starting Citizen Chain 6 years ago, a VISION goes only so far… When a body begins to break down the dream can be lost. I was LUCKY.. There was another who saw my dream.. younger, faster, stronger..
    Without Sasha, my dream would have died. To admit I could not do it alone was as heartbreaking as the problems that plagued my heart.
    Today. Today we are at a crossroads that portends great things.
    We watch you ROB. Your belief . and passion. Your BOLDNESS.

    IT IS THE AMERICAN IN YOU! You will succeed. Not for yourself but for those who believe you will.

    Bold Deeds indeed. Thanks Rob.


    1. Thanks Dallas, I am catching up on my comments and realizing how many shot by that I missed somehow. Word like yours help to keep the fires stoked around here

  4. Wonderful note – rest well – congratulations to your family. I wish I were closer. (I’m in Morro Bay.) I’d love to join in the fabric/sewing machine side of the OAC venture. Be well – you are much admired.

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