Finally found the confluence of factors to get back into the water for a short window in time this morning. It felt good, cold, but good. The current wind conditions have the water temps in the 50s with air in the upper 40s, brrrr. Still it was wonderful taking some pictures from the other side of the sidewalk.

The GoPro® Helmet HERO™ Wide Camera
performed pretty well for my first day in the water. I ran into some of the same snags many users do with water spots. I had tried rain-x as recommended, but my bottle was ancient as we do not use it often out here in SoCal.
The wife’s cruiser performed perfectly as well, although my hands were frozen by the time I made it home. Much to her dismay it has morphed into the family surf cruiser, with the baby we now surf in shifts. The bike is paying the price for its time locked up in front of the ocean.

Living in a small to medium-sized town near your work and playgrounds definitely makes the car light lifestyle so much more accessible. The temperate climate is just the frosting on the cake.