Mid Day Escape

Yesterday was a perfect day to get out and ride.   Crisp clear blue skis with thin clouds.  The shipping and receiving team headed out to run some errands.

Once the hard stuff was done, it was off to the beach, 

This is the kind of weather we pay extra for, just a little chilly, but you can not complain if you are wearing shorts still.


Thursday Standard and Fuji Stoke

First order of business was getting the new old Fuji to its new owner for some weekend fun prior to deciding on the final build out.  I am pretty sure her stoke is apparent,

after some fast wide loops to get a feel for the handing, she was showing off, hopefully there will be miles of smiles.

Then the munchikin and I made our way around the point to check the surf, just for fun,

Of course, since it is thursday and I am on daddy duty the surf is overhead and pumping, so it goes. 

Back to work, exciting things are happening, more on that in a bit.

Pattern Developing

It has been a few weeks since our little girl started child care a couple of days each week.   After our post lunch ride I was reviewing the pictures and noticed a pattern.  She is in on Monday and Tuesday, and guaranteed fog, gloom and onshore winds.  The other three days she is home, the sun comes out, the surf is usually pumping, we watch from the beach, and the playgrounds are blazing hot to the touch.

We still have tons of fun, and I cherish each moment, but I really do want to get back in the water someday.

 If only the rest of life’s challenges were that big of a deal.

End of the Week

Finally made it to the end of the week, one of those weeks where days feel like weeks and the week felt like a month.  This morning it was trying to rain with a false start, not fog and not quite thunder storms.  Just gloomy out.  Then it gave way to an incredible day.  I loaded up the team on the family truckster and headed down to the beach to get some sun, air and check the surf.

Happy Friday, enjoy the weekend and play outside!