Coffee Outside With Friends

We, that’s right, WE made it out this morning for the Wednesday coffee routine.  My friend Mike is back in town and met up this morning with me on his Trek 650b conversion that I did for him a year ago.  The weather was looking like rain, so we kept the ride close to home and headed up the coast just a bit.

4.24Coffee-1120711 4.24Coffee-1120709I was using my Trail Designs Caldera Keg and he had a small home brewed wood stove.  Both did exactly what you would hope for, boiled water quick and fun. His wood stove made from a salvaged paint can worked just fine, gear was no limitation.

4.24Coffee-1120717I was able to put a bunch of cups through the silicone filter holder this week and am pretty happy with it.  The trade-off for it folding flat is that it is heavy, and I am choosing portable for the moment.

4.24Coffee-1120724 4.24Coffee-1120729It was really great getting to share the fun with another person real-time.  Until now I have been heading out on my own in the mornings, then sharing the joy through the web.  This was a welcome break in the routine of self employment.  All in all a great way to set aside 30 minutes and make some memories.  Then the mist started to shift to drizzle and it was off to work disguised as grownups for the day.
