New CoPilot

Today was her first ride ever and she is as stoked as daddy.

First a spin around the block and then a run to the beach with mommy and Baloo. (turn the volume down, sorry about the screechy sound)

And now a whole new chapter of family biking begins for spring.

Did I mention how stoked I am, and when she watches the video she claps and laughs. Time for bed so tomorrow gets here quicker.

Break in the Rain

Better weather today while there is a break between storms.

Quick mid day run for some supplies, Still plenty of clouds locking the snow into the mountains

And then a quick ride into the hills to get the legs heated up

I am not sure what this series of storms will do for all of you back east, but I cannot image it is going to bring spring here any earlier. 

Play outside, but try to stay warm and dry.

Between the Drops

I thought I could make it to the mid-week Farmer’s market to pick up some beef and veggies before the next wave of rain hit.  I could see it coming in behind me from the west an knew it was going to be close getting home dry.

There was snow peeking out through the clouds on the Topa bluffs, but not easy to catch with the camera I had with me.

Making it there was fairly dry, the way home was another matter.

The Patagonia Men's Houdini® performed perfectly as did my Rainlegs chaps.  Both pieces of rain gear are perfect for the light rain quick ride sort of thing.  This test was only 6 or 7 miles in drizzle, but that is all you need most of the time here in southern California.  Anything more and these will wet out and then through, all dry and happy this time though.

Before the Storm

Another round or rain and possibly hail is scheduled for the next few days.  I headed out towards Lake Casitas hoping to get some shots of the snow on the mountains bofre the clouds set in.

The cloud line was already too low, blocking the snow that I had seen from town earlier in the morning.  The rivers were all running high, with more rain on the way things could get interesting.

I had wanted to make it to the high point on the west side of the lake, but wind and time were conspiring against me.  Still an incredibly beautiful day to get out for a ride.