Nothing is New

At least most things, and maybe new twists on old themes.  I was at the local used book store the other day.  Every now and then I stop in to see if something new has shown up in the areas I like, and ran across Gail Heilman’s bicycle touring book.  While skimming through this one I ran into a line of bags from Velocipac I had not seen before. 

It seems they had made full triangle frame bags for a while. 

This really shows the limitations of the internet as a catalog of all things.  Today there are a few companies out there making bags like this for Lightweight MTN Bike touring, and me taking the canvas approach.  But when you search the history of the things there is a big jump from the Swiss Army bike bags to the modern jumping right past things like this.   Some other interesting bags of the era were made by MountainSmith under a BikeSmith label, and a local Ventura company was making bags under the Kangaroo label.  It is near impossible to find good information on either company’s lines.

There were other bags that were quite interesting too, maybe a few good ideas I could incorporate into other bags.  Nothing new, just recombining old ideas to suit my needs.

Seasons Changing Fast

The weather is already turning warmer and green is giving way to tan in some spots.  The mornings are still chilly, but the lunch breaks are all shorts and t-shirts

The Roadeo for repair is close enough to perfect to grab these shots. 

And there was even a little country road excitement.  I missed the first part of the show, but watching them turning it over with the propane tank dangling was enough, I did not stick around.

Great day to be out and spin the legs to get some fresh air.

Mother’s Day Traditions

First Mother’s Day in the house, and starting a tradition of morning rides to mommy’s favorite breakfast spot.

The longest ride yet for the munchikin, and she held up great, cocoa at breakfast probably helped. 

Happy mother’s Day to all of you out there, and all that have moved on, you are in out thoughts and prayers today.

Play outside and have some fun!