Fair Days

One of the many fringe benefits of where we live is being within a block of the County fairgrounds.  It is really not that bad most of the time, but for 10 days every summer the whole county and then some seems to descend upon out neighborhood.  It is best to get out early and then home before the “Lot Full” road rage spreads for a 3 mile radius. 

Today we made it out for some quick errands we before the crowds,

It looks like the fog is going to pull back out over the ocean too, making for a great Friday.

Enjoy your weekend, and get outside.  We will be at the Fair


More Famouser

Baby steps, but wishing they were big kid steps.  I have my first picture published in a paper magazine this month.  Momentum  used one of my pictures from Flickr in their reader pics section.  I was hoping it was going to be a little bigger, but I will take it where I can get it.

Also, I decided to enter some pictures in the county fair this year.  I had a bit of time and figured it would be a good learning experience.  It was exactly that.  I had fun working through the process, the price was right, $0, and learned enough to be better prepared for next year as well as any other opportunity to show my prints.  Competition is usually pretty high as we have a large amature photo contingent in the area as well as Brooks Institute right up the road.  Out of 7 entries I was able to pull one honorable mention ribbon

Major lesson learned was to not let it go untill the last-minute, next year’s entries will be better presented for sure.

Back to Our Scheduled Programing

I had some coverage for the baby today and was able to get out fo ra couple of hours, thank you Opie.  I headed up to Casitas for a while before doubling back to head to the farmer’s market.  It was really nice to get out of the morning fog and into some clear skies.

While out in the hills a bit I saw a deer with actual antlers, not usual around here.  I only seem to see one every few years or so, plenty of does, but not really any bucks with head gear.

and then it was back into town where the fog was flirting with the coastline all day.  A successful ride, fresh veggies and spin the legs.

You can just make out the fog bank in the distance.